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Beerfullness - Beer. Food. Life

How to choose a Beer Style for Summer

Summer is here and warmer, brighter and longer days arrived. Let`s talk about Beer Styles and refreshment. There are more than one hundred twenty amazing Beer Styles. Beer is a very versatile drink and shelter a huge variety of colours, flavours and textures. There are surely some beer styles that fit better the Summer season; probably those that are ligther, refreshing, thirst-quenching and pair with Summer food ingredients and recipes. It is much easier to choose a seasonal food; you just have to go to a local market and take what growths in the shelves...Brewers in nowadays can produce almost any beer style all year-round so it is not easy to choose. The good news is that there are some simple tips that will help you to choose a refreshing Beer style. Although there are no universal rules that fit every beer, there are some great guidelines that will empower your refreshing beers choices. When you love some beers, you make rules.
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Raspberry Beer Ice Cream

This Beer ice cream recipe is made with no alcohol beer and  frozen fruits using only a simple kitchen robot. It`s a  wonderful summer dessert: fresh, light, healthy and simple. Modern no alcohol beers ­- obtained by alcohol removal from full fermented beers - are less caloric than low fat milk! We will use those type of beer to brew a refreshing beer bite in the kitchen.
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