This Beer ice cream recipe is made with no alcohol beer and frozen fruits using only a simple kitchen robot. It`s a wonderful summer dessert: fresh, light, healthy and simple. Modern no alcohol beers - obtained by alcohol removal from full fermented beers – are less caloric than low fat milk! We will use those type of beer to brew a refreshing beer bite in the kitchen.
This dessert is also vegan because is made without milk, cream or eggs!
When you love some beers, you make ice cream.
Raspberry Beer Ice Cream Recipe
Gentle flavour balance
This type of beer is a neutral base that can be used to make amazing ice creams or vegetable smoothies. It is light bodied and generally has low bitterness and just a hint of sweetness. It `s like squeezed barley, liquid Nature.
We balance beer flavours adding some sweetness from the banana and sugar as well the acidity of raspberries and lime juice. Raspberries, watermelon and mint bring fruity aroma and a delicate sweetness. The above recipe is a guide but you can adjust the ingredients based in your own preferences.
Serves 4
- 4 *ice cream cuvettes
- 1* ice cuvette
- 4* wooden dessert spoon

- 100 ml modern pale no alcohol beer
- 3 tablespoons raspberries
- 250g watermelon pulp, seeds removed
- 1 medium banana
- 1 lime
- 1 shallow tablespoon powder sugar
- 4 fresh mint leaves

Ingredients preparation
Pour the beer previously cooled into ice cuvettes; do it gently to avoid foaming.
Prepare all the fruits: wash carefully the raspberries, cut the watermelon, peel and cut the banana into slices.
Freeze all the fruits.
Ice cream preparation
Squeeze the lime and reserve.
Put the frozen beer and fruits in a mixer bowl, add all the other ingredients (lime juice, sugar and fresh mint) and mix.
Pour the smooth mixture into the ice cream cuvettes and put them in the freezer; when the mixture starts to frozen insert carefully the wooden spoon.
Leave in the freeze until complete freezing.
Take the ice cuvettes and warm them slightly with your hands; take out the ice cream and get immediate refreshing by eating this amazing refreshing bite.